
Welcome to my new blog – iTechBlogger.com!

My name is Lun, and I am an aspiring professional and passionate blogger.

I have always been passionate about blogging. As a Mechanical Engineer, the first thought that crossed my mind back in College days was not about browsing web pages, but rather how are web pages created?

Curiosity and Passion

Then I actively pursued my interest and curiosity. That’s when I understood the basics of website and blogging. From domain registration to hosting to Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Blogger etc, the internet has always been my topic of interest.

Fast forward to 8 years of professional life, today, I am proud to put all my self learn knowledge on the internet through this blog.

I know the technology niche is a very competitive one to rank your pages and articles in. However, my aim is to pen down my ideas and fulfill my passion to blog during my leisure.

And so iTechBlogger.com is born.

Why the Name iTechBlogger (dot com)?

It’s a nice name to me. In today’s world where there are millions, if not billlions, of domains registered, a good name is not easy to come by, let alone available.

However, more than just the domain, the content is more important as that is what gives value to the blog. Still, iTechBlogger is an awesome name available in the most popular TLD.

What iTechBlogger Is About

This blog is really about anything related to technology. I am a huge gadgets fan. That includes smartphones, laptop and PCs to cameras to other electronic devices.

So I intend to write on various technology related topics, share my knowledge, pen my ideas and create a community of like minded bloggers and readers.

My Experience in Blogging

Like I said, I started taking interest in Blogging more than 10 years ago. However, due to time constraints and partly budget, I keep waiting and waiting until today.

blogging as passion - itechblogger

I feel that it’s time to get started with whatever you have, whatever knowledge and experience you have. Because, we all start at some point, don’t we?

Ideas and Suggestions

I am constantly looking for constructive ideas and suggestions to improve my writing skills, my presentation skills and expand my area of interest.

So I welcome all kinds of positive and constructive criticism and feedbacks. Please use the contact page to put forth your messages.

Learning From Experience

What’s more valuable than learning from one’s own experiences? That’s how you improve right? Keep learning, be open minded and there is a world of possibility you can be the expert you always aspire to be.

And that’s exactly what I aim to achieve with this blog. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.